Announcing Editorial Services

Manuscript Evaluation and Consultations

Virtually all novelists ask for feedback on their manuscripts before they show their work to their agents and editors. I have had the great pleasure of helping many unpublished writers launch their careers. I believe the next best thing to belonging to a writers’ support group is to receive a professional manuscript evaluation from someone who has both a compassionate heart and a critical eye.

Evaluation of fiction manuscripts includes:

  • a comprehensive reading of the work with attention to character development, plot, story structure, prose style, and marketability
  • comments in the margins
  • a written report of 5–10 pages with recommendations for revision.

The cost is $2.50 per page (or roughly 250 words per page, formatted in 12-point Times Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins). Phone, Skype, or in-person consultations during any stage of the writing and revising process may be scheduled for $35 per hour. I am happy to discuss projects at whatever stage they are in, and to also provide advice about finding an agent or publisher.

Questions? Please send me a note through my contact page on

7 thoughts on “Announcing Editorial Services

  1. Congratulations Cat! Mentoring is an awesome gift to the world of children’s literature! Best wishes on this particular journey!!!

  2. Catherine, this will be a terrific service. I know your expertise will be so valuable to your fellow authors. Good luck with the launch!

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